Deliberately Different technology delivery

We offer a service that’s unique in the technology delivery space. We are neither a consultancy nor a capability developer. We’re a technology delivery partner that draws on the best of both, creating a service that eliminates our customers’ dependency on suppliers.

We solve your complex challenges around software engineering, platforms, DevOps and Cloud, and Data and AI — at pace and with people you’ll love. This frees you from depending on external sourcing.

We also help you build the in-house technical capability you’ll need to build an independent tomorrow. This frees you from depending on consultancy.

Solving technology challenges today, building technical capability for tomorrow

How does our approach work in practice?

We start by addressing our customers' immediate needs at the delivery layer. From there, we take a grassroots approach by 'consulting up' to co-design strategy as we help our customers mature their delivery and requirements.

All of this hinges on quality people that our customers love to work with. We give them that experience through the Tecknuovo associate model: our framework for working with our community of un-benched, ego-free consultants to mobilise services within 14 days.

We eliminate supplier dependency through our Zero Dependency Framework. It helps you build capability through delivery, using up-skilling, cross-skilling, and apprentice schemes to put your technology IP, skills, and strategies in your own hands.

Want to find out more? Speak to one of our team.

Our custom-built teams and solutions

Our customer stories

Our Zero Dependency framework is designed to free you from dependence on our services by the end of our engagement.

More on Zero Dependency

Deliberately Different

Our approach to technology consulting is Deliberately Different.